Miriam Riven is a seasoned educator with a rich and diverse teaching background spanning over two decades. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work from the University of Pittsburgh, and soon after, earned a Master of Science degree in education from the City University of New York (CUNY). Mrs. Riven embarked on her teaching journey by participating in the NYC Teaching Fellows program, a competitive program that places teachers earning their teaching degrees in inner-city public schools. While teaching fourth grade in the NYC public school system, Mrs. Riven developed a passion for elementary education and continued teaching there for eight years. Venturing beyond borders, Mrs. Riven's journey led her to Canada, where she taught high school English at Beth Rivkah Academy as well as courses in educational practice and child development at TAV community college. Returning to the States, Mrs. Riven continued honing her teaching craft by joining SULAM as a high school English teacher. After many years teaching high school English, Mrs. Riven made the deliberate decision to return to elementary education and joined TSGW as a fourth-grade teacher in the fall of 2018.